Valuing Labor in the Arts at UC Berkeley

I’m very pleased to announce that this April I’ll be participating in the conference Valuing Labor in the Arts at the Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley, organized by Art Practical and Helena Keeffe.


Valuing Labor in the Arts

Worshop and Debate
April 2014

In April 2014, ARC will partner with Art Practical and MFA candidate Helena Keeffe to present “Valuing Art Labor: Strategies, Tools, Definitions”, a series of artist-led workshops that develop exercises, prompts, or actions that allow participants to navigate the complex and nuanced landscape of art and labor. Workshops will consider questions such as: What kinds of tactics allow artists to create a sense of agency regarding the economics of creative production? What are the key questions artists should ask themselves in defining standards for valuing their labor? How might artists and cultural producers disseminate or appropriate successful models to accomplish their own projects? How do different artistic forms (visual, public, relational, choreographic, theatrical) engage and revise different types of art economies? ARC will host artists, curators, and writers from the Bay Area, Los Angeles, New York and Chicago, to stage an intimate yet wide-ranging exploration about art and labor, about alternative economies in the arts and cultural fields, and about strategies for working in ever changing “art world” landscapes.

Please check our website for updates and more information soon.

Valuing Labor in the Arts

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