Non-Participation in the L Magazine

Thanks to Corinna Kirsch at the L Magazine for sharing my invitation to submit to Non-Participation.

Protest Much? Participate in “Non-Participation”

From Kirsch’s article:

“For all the critics out there, Brooklyn-based curator Lauren van Haaften-Schick has a project just for you. All you need to do is send her a letter.

Van Haaften-Schick’s latest project, Non-Participation, ‘will be a collection of letters by artists, curators, and other cultural producers, written to decline their participation in events, or with organizations and institutions.’ She can’t do all the legwork on her own, so if you’ve ever had a beef with organizations and institutions, send her your submission.

We here at AFC plan on submitting our petition against Sotheby’s, the auction house that locked out its art handlers for nearly a year. But with the definition of “letter” left vague, we could also submit a handful of things like reviews, tweets, emails, or anything beginning with ‘Dear _____.'”

The deadline for submissions is December 31.

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